الشبكة العربية لمطوري الألعاب

مبتدئ  إياد طرابلسي مشاركة 1

Lets talk about the ability to include webpage into another without building frames, is there new technique for this feild, to tel you the truth I didn't read about this subject, is it actually different of the old style technique
I thought it's better to discuss it to have general view before going through details

خبير مدير وسام البهنسي مشاركة 2

هناك أولاً الطريقة التقليدية باستخدام معرف FRAME أو معرف IFRAME الأكثر مرونة. في Asp.NET 2.0 يمكنك استخدام الـ asp:Panel كحاوي يمكنه احتواء أية صفحات ضمنية، ولديه القدرة على إظهار scrollbars وما إلى ذلك. لكن برأيي الـ IFRAME كافي لأداء أغلب مهام تضمين الصفحات دون اللجوء إلى حلول ملتوية...

وسام البهنسي
مبرمج في إنفيديا وإنفريمز

مبتدئ  إياد طرابلسي مشاركة 3

OK very usefull way, thank you...
I want to ask if the WebControl wasn't identified by the compiler, I mean it's mentioned as unknown server tag
I browsed through the Project References in the Class View and I found the System.Web.dll librery which contains System.Web.UI namespace there
Could the troubles come bacause of the edition of the software I work on or there is another possible reason for that

Another question..!!

If I wanted to run function on the time the webpage is displayed and keep it running till I browse to another webpage, what's the Page Event could be useful for that I tried most of them but no one worked with my code

خبير مدير وسام البهنسي مشاركة 4

في Jan 30, 2007 05:49، عقد إياد طرابلسي حاجبيه بتفكير وقال:

I want to ask if the WebControl wasn't identified by the compiler, I mean it's mentioned as unknown server tag

ما هو الـ control الذي تود وضعه في الصفحة؟
تذكر أن كل الـ ASP.NET controls يجب أن يبدأ الـ tag خاصتها بـ ولا تنسى أن تتأكد من وجود الخاصية runat=server ضمن المعرف.

وفي Jan 30, 2007 05:49، قال إياد طرابلسي متحمساً:

If I wanted to run function on the time the webpage is displayed and keep it running till I browse to another webpage, what's the Page Event could be useful for that I tried most of them but no one worked with my code

هذا غير ممكن عن طريق كود يعمل على السيرفر فقط (كما هو الحال مع أغلب الـ events المعلنة في الصفحة).. ما هي الوظيفة التي تود بتنفيذها عموماً؟

وسام البهنسي
مبرمج في إنفيديا وإنفريمز

مبتدئ  إياد طرابلسي مشاركة 5

The webcontrols I used are
asp:ScriptManager, asp:Timer, asp:UpdatePanel and else
and I already did the same as you told
you can revise part of the code

            Stock price is 

            as of 

As for the purpose of the second question, it is to help me change the webcontrol as long as the webpage is still opened with sequenced intervals..

مبتدئ  إياد طرابلسي مشاركة 6

I still have my eyebrows tied because I didn't find an explanation till now..
Could it be because of the version I use?? or because of the explorer??? How can I find solution????

مبتدئ  إياد طرابلسي مشاركة 7

Anyway... I have another question
I got image's address using Server.MapPath and returned it to .ImageURL of the ImageButton but it didn't work
I noticed later that if I added \\\ 3 backslashs "as a string" at the bigining of the address it would work properly, so is there anyway to add backslash to a STRING in C#, because the compiler doesn't accept any backslash in "\\\" string formats
The question exactly is How can I edit string easily before inserting it
and what is the exact format of ImageURL strings