الشبكة العربية لمطوري الألعاب


التعليق على مشاركة Mohammad Khashashneh في Apr 3, 2006 3:0 :

> التعليق على مشاركة LEED ALKASSEM في Apr 3, 2006 5:39
> :
> >
> > نوع PIC < و ATMIL
> >
> >
> Ok, First of
> all if you don't have any programming experience, I
> suggest that you start with C programming. A good book
> is C how to program http://www.informit.com/bookstore/product.asp?isbn=0131426443&aid=548c5149-507f-4cb4-b186-c6c7500def22&rl=1
> , it is big but it'll be a reference for you even when
> you become experienced.
> If you already know C then
> you may find the following tools in handy:
> for PIC
> : MPLAB is the official IDE from Microchip corp. www.microchip.com.
> These are also a series of tutorials for getting started
> with the PIC chip: http://amqrp.org/elmer160/lessons/
> For
> Atmel: There are 2 main architectures AVR and ARM (my
> experience is in the later) and you can use GCC ports
> on windows for both. WinVar for the ATMEL AVR Arch.
> http://winavr.sourceforge.net/
> and WinArm for the
> Atmel ARM Arch. http://www.siwi.arubi.uni-kl.de/avr_projects/arm_projects/#winarm
> Try
> Also Wikipedia.org for more information. check http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PIC_microcontroller
> for PIC and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atmel for
> Atmel.
> Good luck and feel free to ask anything.

مشكور انا برمج على البرامج الخاصة للنوعين بس اللي بديا هو انو صير استخدم لغة برمجة عالية المستوى من شان عملية البط مع الحاسب وانت بتنصح انو استخدم c
اكثر فاعلية بس في ناس خبرونب عن الديلفي يصراحة بدي قرار حاسم مش عارف


خبير  Mohammad Khashashneh مشاركة 12

Ah sorry, I misunderstood then☺

Although I prefer native code, but I guess they are right, C++ is sometimes too complex to use for simple tasks.

Anyway it depends on what platform you're working with and whether you are looking for portability or not. As suggested here C# is a very good choice for Windows and any other platform that supports the .NET platform such as MONO on Linux. Java is also a very good choice and its universally ported on all platforms. They are both powerful and have many similarities but the choice depends on your personal taste.

I don't know about Delphi but I know its a very well built language with full Library support like VCL and native code that is if you don't mind learning Pascal and the Pascal syntax. I guess its like VB.

من سار على الدرب وصل, من جد وجد...
بس عتبك على اللي بيسمع

موهوب  حسن أيوب مشاركة 13

والله حبيبي اذا بدك تبرمج ال MC, عليك ب assembly, وفقط.
واذا بدك تبرمج على لغة لتعمل interface لل MC, فأفضل شيء هو c++, على .net framework 2.0, أو c#. ولكن أنا أنصحك بc++

لا شيء مستحيل. الشي الوحيد المستحيل هو قول مستحيل. لذا لا تقلها.