الشبكة العربية لمطوري الألعاب

  Mulham مشاركة 1

im a .NET developer... i have a one year experience in VB.NET,ASP.NET,..etc..
actully i like the .NET a lot .. and i enjoy development with these tools a lot.

im looking for another job as a part time job.. actully i was looking for .NET developer position, but i found a job as a C++ developer.

my problem is...

i leared C++ in collage, i didnt practice it as i did with the dot net, but i know its a very strong language..

the job is in a small company which develops a specialized engeneering softwares (Architecture)..

so the question is :
is it a good thing to experience this new language to me, or its better for me instead of spending (lots of) time in learning C++ from the ground to spend this time improving my .NET knowledge (since i have some good experience in it)

any suggestion is appreciated..
thanks in advance..


خبير  Mohammad Khashashneh مشاركة 2


I think that Learning new things is always a good choice. In your case I encourage you learning C++ because its the native language for all the Pro. Programmers. out there.

Its better not to limit yourself to .Net only because as you noticed the market is full of competing technologies and non of them is a dominant one, and most companies require at least a good C++ background.

By the way, working on this Application would give you the chance to dwell into the world of Win32 API programming which is the basic knowledge for any windows programmer. You may also work with ATL, MFC , and all the nasty stuff (which is really complex ).

Good luck

من سار على الدرب وصل, من جد وجد...
بس عتبك على اللي بيسمع

  Mulham مشاركة 3

hi muhammad...
thank you a lot ... im gonna try not to loose this opportunity..
thank you again..

خبير  Mohammad Khashashneh مشاركة 4

You're welcome, If you have more questions we will be glad to help.

من سار على الدرب وصل, من جد وجد...
بس عتبك على اللي بيسمع