في Apr 30, 2007 23:37، عقد همام البهنسي حاجبيه بتفكير وقال:
لمشكلة هنا أن الزاوية الناتجة هي دائماً الزاوية الصغيرة أي حتى ولو كانت زاوية القوس أكبر من 180 فسيحسب الزاوية الأصغر.#include // for printf
const double kEpsilon = 0.00001;
struct VECTOR2D { double x,y; };
enum IntersectionType
IntersectionType LineCircle(const VECTOR2D& vec2CircleCenter,double dRadius,
const VECTOR2D& vec2LineStart,const VECTOR2D& vec2LineEnd,
VECTOR2D& vec2OutPoint1,VECTOR2D& vec2OutPoint2)
// Simplify calculations by moving the circle to 0,0 and bringing the line along with it
VECTOR2D vec2LS = { vec2LineStart.x-vec2CircleCenter.x, vec2LineStart.y-vec2CircleCenter.y };
VECTOR2D vec2LE = { vec2LineEnd.x-vec2CircleCenter.x, vec2LineEnd.y-vec2CircleCenter.y };
// Difference between line start and end
double dDX = vec2LE.x - vec2LS.x;
double dDY = vec2LE.y - vec2LS.y;
double a = dDX*dDX + dDY*dDY;
double b = 2.0 * (dDX*vec2LineStart.x + dDY*vec2LineStart.y);
double c = vec2LineStart.x*vec2LineStart.x + vec2LineStart.y*vec2LineStart.y - dRadius*dRadius;
double dDiscriminant = b*b - 4*a*c;
// It's a tangent line if the discriminant is 0. Note that due to number
// imprecisions, the value could be near 0, but not absolutely 0...
if ((dDiscriminant > -kEpsilon) && (dDiscriminant < kEpsilon))
double dU = -b/(2.0*a);
vec2OutPoint1.x = vec2LineStart.x + dU * (vec2LineEnd.x-vec2LineStart.x);
vec2OutPoint1.y = vec2LineStart.y + dU * (vec2LineEnd.y-vec2LineStart.y);
vec2OutPoint2 = vec2OutPoint1;
return Intersection_Tangent;
// No intersection if discriminant is less than 0
if (dDiscriminant < 0.0)
return Intersection_None;
// So this is a secant line (has two intersection points with the circle)
// First point
double dU1 = (-b + sqrt(dDiscriminant)) / (2.0*a);
vec2OutPoint1.x = vec2LineStart.x + dU1 * (vec2LineEnd.x-vec2LineStart.x);
vec2OutPoint1.y = vec2LineStart.y + dU1 * (vec2LineEnd.y-vec2LineStart.y);
// Second point
double dU2 = (-b - sqrt(dDiscriminant)) / (2.0*a);
vec2OutPoint2.x = vec2LineStart.x + dU2 * (vec2LineEnd.x-vec2LineStart.x);
vec2OutPoint2.y = vec2LineStart.y + dU2 * (vec2LineEnd.y-vec2LineStart.y);
return Intersection_TwoPoints;
bool IsPointInLine(const VECTOR2D& vec2Point,const VECTOR2D& vec2LineStart,const VECTOR2D& vec2LineEnd)
// Line length
double dDX = vec2LineEnd.x-vec2LineStart.x;
double dDY = vec2LineEnd.y-vec2LineStart.y;
double dLineLength = sqrt(dDX*dDX+dDY*dDY);
// Distance between point and line start
double dDX1 = vec2Point.x-vec2LineStart.x;
double dDY1 = vec2Point.y-vec2LineStart.y;
double dPtToStartDistance = sqrt(dDX1*dDX1+dDY1*dDY1);
// Distance between point and line end
double dDX2 = vec2Point.x-vec2LineEnd.x;
double dDY2 = vec2Point.y-vec2LineEnd.y;
double dPtToEndDistance = sqrt(dDX2*dDX2+dDY2*dDY2);
// It's outside the line if the sum of the distance to the two line
// points doesn't equal the line length
if (dPtToStartDistance+dPtToEndDistance > dLineLength)
return false;
// It's on the line
return true;
bool IsPointInArc(const VECTOR2D& vec2Point,const VECTOR2D& vec2ArcCenter,
const VECTOR2D& vec2ArcStart,const VECTOR2D& vec2ArcEnd)
// Point position in relation to arc center
VECTOR2D vec2Pt = {vec2Point.x-vec2ArcCenter.x, vec2Point.y-vec2ArcCenter.y};
double dPointToArcCenterDistance = sqrt(vec2Pt.x*vec2Pt.x+vec2Pt.y*vec2Pt.y);
// Normalize into a direction
vec2Pt.x /= dPointToArcCenterDistance;
vec2Pt.y /= dPointToArcCenterDistance;
double dDX = vec2ArcStart.x-vec2ArcCenter.x;
double dDY = vec2ArcStart.y-vec2ArcCenter.y;
double dCircleRadius = sqrt(dDX*dDX+dDY*dDY);
if (fabs(dPointToArcCenterDistance-dCircleRadius) > kEpsilon)
return false; // The point is not even on the circle!
double dDX1 = (vec2ArcStart.x-vec2ArcCenter.x)/dCircleRadius;
double dDY1 = (vec2ArcStart.y-vec2ArcCenter.y)/dCircleRadius;
double dDX2 = (vec2ArcEnd.x-vec2ArcCenter.x)/dCircleRadius;
double dDY2 = (vec2ArcEnd.y-vec2ArcCenter.y)/dCircleRadius;
double dArcAngle = acos(dDX1*dDX2+dDY1*dDY2);
double dPtToArcStartAngle = acos(vec2Pt.x*dDX1+vec2Pt.y*dDY1);
double dPtToArcEndAngle = acos(vec2Pt.x*dDX2+vec2Pt.y*dDY2);
// It's outside the arc if the sum of the angles between it
// and the arc end points doesn't equal the arc's angle
if (dPtToArcStartAngle+dPtToArcEndAngle > dArcAngle)
return false;
// It's on the arc
return true;
IntersectionType LineArcIntersect(const VECTOR2D& vec2LineStart,const VECTOR2D& vec2LineEnd,
const VECTOR2D& vec2ArcCenter,const VECTOR2D& vec2ArcStart,
const VECTOR2D& vec2ArcEnd,
VECTOR2D& vec2OutPt1,VECTOR2D& vec2OutPt2)
double dDX = vec2ArcStart.x-vec2ArcCenter.x;
double dDY = vec2ArcStart.y-vec2ArcCenter.y;
double dCircleRadius = sqrt(dDX*dDX+dDY*dDY);
IntersectionType intersectType = LineCircle(vec2ArcCenter,dCircleRadius,
// Check if the line and the circle containing the arc intersect
if (intersectType == Intersection_None)
return Intersection_None;
if (intersectType == Intersection_Tangent)
if (IsPointInArc(vec2OutPt1,vec2ArcCenter,vec2ArcStart,vec2ArcEnd) &&
return Intersection_Tangent; // Output tangent point is in vec2OutPt1
return Intersection_None;
// We have two intersection points... It's enough if one of them is actually contained
// in both the line and the arc...
bool bPoint1Valid = false;
if ( IsPointInArc(vec2OutPt1,vec2ArcCenter,vec2ArcStart,vec2ArcEnd) &&
IsPointInLine(vec2OutPt1,vec2LineStart,vec2LineEnd) )
bPoint1Valid = true;
bool bPoint2Valid = false;
if ( IsPointInArc(vec2OutPt2,vec2ArcCenter,vec2ArcStart,vec2ArcEnd) &&
IsPointInLine(vec2OutPt2,vec2LineStart,vec2LineEnd) )
bPoint2Valid = true;
if (bPoint1Valid && bPoint2Valid)
return Intersection_TwoPoints; // Output points are in vec2OutPt1 and vec2OutPt2
if (bPoint2Valid)
vec2OutPt1 = vec2OutPt2;
return Intersection_OnePoint; // Output point is in vec2OutPt1
if (bPoint1Valid)
return Intersection_OnePoint; // Output point is in vec2OutPt1
return Intersection_None; // All intersecting points don't fall on the line piece nor on the arc
void main(void)
// Inputs
VECTOR2D vec2ArcCenter = {0,0};
VECTOR2D vec2ArcStart = {0,10};
VECTOR2D vec2ArcEnd = {10,0};
VECTOR2D vec2LineStart = {-10,5};
VECTOR2D vec2LineEnd = {10,5};
// Outputs
IntersectionType itype;
VECTOR2D vec2Point1;
VECTOR2D vec2Point2;
itype = LineArcIntersect(
// Show the result
switch (itype)
case Intersection_None:
printf("Line and arc don't intersect\n");
case Intersection_Tangent:
printf("Line is tangent to arc at (%f,%f)\n",vec2Point1.x,vec2Point1.y);
case Intersection_OnePoint:
printf("Line intersects arc once at (%f,%f)\n",vec2Point1.x,vec2Point1.y);
case Intersection_TwoPoints:
printf("Line intersects arc twice at (%f,%f) and (%f,%f)\n",