Computer Graphics & Animation
The Department of
Computer Animation and Graphics was established at the beginning of the second
semester 2005/2006. This specialty is the first of its kind in Jordan and in
the region.
This department aims at
providing students with distinguished education in the field of two and three
Dimensional Computer Graphics. This process is undertaken through focusing
attention on the basic mathematical skills in this field. Also, students are provided
with the skills required for using modern techniques and programming in
designing graphics and using them in films, educational programs, promotions
and computer games.
The plan has been
designed thoroughly in a way to meet the demands in the industry of graphics.
In addition, there is an emphasis on the practical side through using labs and
field training in the specialized companies. The aim behind this is to produce
competent employees able to use modern technology in the optimum way to serve the
continuously developing industry worldwide.
The program includes
many courses from the Department of Computer Science which may establish a
solid ground for Computer Science such as programming, data structure and data
processing. It has been noticed that the above-mentioned courses are considered
a scientific foundation for a better understanding of the objectives of
Computer Graphics.
As for the specialized
courses for Graphic Design, they consist of multi-media programming, drawing,
image processing and animation. All of the afore-mentioned courses are designed
to give the student the opportunity to apply the theoretical background in real
life. Besides, the graduation project will be a comprehensive project which
shows an accumulation of the experiences that the student has acquired. In this
project, the student shows what he has achieved from studying and what he has
applied during his period of studying.
وفي 04 نيسان 2008 06:46 م، أعرب ammarrozza عن رأيه بالموقف كالآتي:
من خبرتي في الجامعات, يمكن ان يدخل الشخص اقوى جامعة بالعالم ويطلع مش فاهم شيويمكن ان يدخل اسوء جامعة في العالم ويطلع عالمفي 04 نيسان 2008 06:46 م، قال ammarrozza بهدوء وتؤدة:
ان الجامعة تعطيك طريقة تفكير ودافع للدراسة وشهادة في النهايةولكن ما تريده انت هو الاساس بالعربي ما تريد ان تتخصصفي 04 نيسان 2008 06:46 م، عقد ammarrozza حاجبيه بتفكير وقال:
طبعا التعرف على الدكاترة عامل هام لانهم هم الي ممكن يساعدوك بشكل كبير خارج المادةبيكفي تتعرف على 3 او 4 دكاترة بيفهموافي 04 ابريل 2008 01:46 م، قال ammarrozza بهدوء وتؤدة:
من خبرتي في الجامعات, يمكن ان يدخل الشخص اقوى جامعة بالعالم ويطلع مش فاهم شيفي 04 ابريل 2008 02:43 م، عقد عمار زاهدة حاجبيه بتفكير وقال:
كيف يمكن أن تعطيني الجامعة طريقة تفكير , ما هو التفكير الذي تعطيه , هل هو تفكير برمجي ام تفكير في المستقبل